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2 posts tagged with "vscode"

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· 2 min read

25 Best VS Code Dark Themes

  1. Dracula Official - A dark theme with vibrant pink and purple accents. Download
  2. Night Owl - A dark theme with a focus on contrast and color pops. Download
  3. Monokai Pro - A professional-grade Monokai theme with customizable options. Download
  4. Material Palenight - A Material Design-inspired theme with a focus on deep blues and purples. Download
  5. Nord - A cool-toned theme inspired by the arctic landscape. Download
  6. Shades of Purple - A purple-focused theme with warm undertones. Download
  7. One Dark Pro - A sleek and modern take on the classic One Dark theme. Download
  8. Tokyo Night - A neon-inspired theme with bright pops of color. Download
  9. Cobalt2 - A theme with a focus on clarity and contrast. Download
  10. Ayu - A minimalistic theme with clean lines and subtle pops of color. Download
  11. City Lights - A theme with a focus on contrast and color harmony. Download
  12. Gruvbox Material - A warm and cozy theme with a vintage feel. Download
  13. Solarized Dark - A classic dark theme with a focus on color harmony. Download
  14. Horizon Theme - A theme with a focus on vibrancy and energy. Download
  15. Palenight - A theme with a focus on deep purples and blues. Download
  16. Material Theme - A Material Design-inspired theme with customizable options. Download
  17. Atom One Dark - A sleek and modern take on the classic Atom One theme. Download
  18. Synthwave '84 - A retro-inspired theme with a focus on neon colors. Download
  19. Nova - A clean and modern theme with a focus on color balance. Download
  20. Gloom - A dark and moody theme with a focus on deep blacks and grays. Download
  21. Edge - A theme with a focus on simplicity and elegance. Download
  22. Cobalt Next - A theme with a focus on contrast and clarity. Download
  23. Bimbo - A vibrant and playful theme with pops of color. Download
  24. Abyss - A dark and moody theme with a focus on deep blues and purples. Download
  25. Tinacious Design Theme - A theme with a focus on clean lines and a minimalist aesthetic. Download

· 3 min read

  1. Multiple Cursors - To create multiple cursors in VS Code, hold down the Alt key and click in multiple places. This allows you to edit multiple lines at the same time.
  2. Zen Mode - To enter Zen mode, press Ctrl + K, Z. This maximizes the editor window and hides all the UI elements except for the text editor.
  3. Bracket Matching - Place the cursor on an opening or closing bracket and VS Code highlights the matching one.
  4. Command Palette - Press Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette, which lists all the available commands in VS Code.
  5. Integrated Terminal - Open the integrated terminal by pressing Ctrl + Shift + ~. This allows you to run commands without leaving VS Code.
  6. Split Editor - To split the editor window vertically or horizontally, press Ctrl + \\.
  7. Emmet Abbreviations - Emmet is a powerful tool to write HTML and CSS code quickly. To use Emmet abbreviations, type the abbreviation and press Tab.
  8. Quick Open - Press Ctrl + P to open the Quick Open panel, which allows you to quickly search for files in your project.
  9. Code Folding - Use Ctrl + Shift + [ to fold code blocks and Ctrl + Shift + ] to unfold them.
  10. IntelliSense - VS Code's IntelliSense feature provides autocomplete suggestions, parameter hints, and other useful information while you are typing.
  11. Peek Definition - To see the definition of a symbol without leaving your current file, right-click on the symbol and select Peek Definition.
  12. Go to Definition - To go to the definition of a symbol, press F12.
  13. Code Snippets - VS Code comes with a set of built-in code snippets, which you can trigger by typing a shortcut and pressing Tab.
  14. Code Formatting - To format your code, press Shift + Alt + F.
  15. Extension Marketplace - The Extension Marketplace is where you can find and install extensions for VS Code. You can access it by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar.
  16. Integrated Git - VS Code has built-in Git support, which allows you to manage your Git repositories without leaving the editor.
  17. Debugging - VS Code has a powerful debugging feature that allows you to debug your code right from the editor.
  18. Workspace Settings - You can configure VS Code settings on a per-workspace basis by creating a .vscode/settings.json file in your project folder.
  19. Command Line Interface - You can open files and folders in VS Code from the command line by typing code . in the terminal.
  20. Themes - VS Code comes with a set of built-in themes, and you can also install custom themes from the Extension Marketplace.
  21. Keybindings - You can customize VS Code keybindings by opening the Keyboard Shortcuts editor (Ctrl + K, Ctrl + S).
  22. File Explorer - The File Explorer panel allows you to browse and manage your project files. You can open it by clicking on the Explorer icon in the Activity Bar.
  23. Search - To search for a string in your project, press Ctrl + Shift + F.
  24. Live Share - VS Code's Live Share feature allows you to collaborate with other developers in real-time.
  25. Custom Snippets - You can create your own custom code snippets by opening the User Snippets editor (Ctrl + Shift + P and then typing Preferences: Configure User Snippets).