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Write a cpp program of hybrid inheritance.




#include<iostream> //This line includes the 'iostream' library which allows us to perform basic Input/Output operations
using namespace std; //Using this namespace enables us to use predefined functions inside 'iostream'

//Creating a base class 'A'
class A{
int a;

//Creating another base class 'B'
class B : public A{
int b;

//Creating a derived class 'C' which inherits from classes A & B
class C : public B {
int c;

//Defining the main method which is the entry point of the program execution
void main(){
C obj; //Creating an object 'obj' of class C
obj.a=10; //Assigning the value 10 to the attribute 'a'
obj.b=20; //Assigning the value 20 to the attribute 'b'
obj.c=30; //Assigning the value 30 to the attribute 'c'
cout << "Value of a : " << obj.a << endl; //Printing statement and the value of 'a'
cout << "Value of b : " << obj.b << endl; //Printing statement and the value of 'b'
cout << "Value of c : " << obj.c << endl; //Printing statement and the value of 'c'
return 0;


Value of a : 10
Value of b : 20
Value of c : 30